Women’s Empowerment in Bangladesh
To develop empowerment programs for women in Bangladesh, reviewed over 40 non-profit initiatives in the Global South as well as numerous reports, articles, documentaries, and other videos on the status of women in Bangladesh. After data collection was complete, developed the framework for a possible empowerment program model that included five branches and an entertainment outreach component.
Public Campaigns in the Global South
To discover best practices of effective public awareness campaigns in developing countries, reviewed, assessed, and catalogued 30 campaigns on topics such as health, environment, and finance.
Entrepreneur Training Programs in Developing Countries
To find proven practices and innovative programming to best engage, impact, and support entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, reviewed over 50 programs and organizations supporting entrepreneurs in both developed and developing countries.
Global Youth Engagement Programs
To find best practices in youth engagement, reviewed over 75 programs from libraries, schools, and communities centers as well as programs lead by NGOs and nonprofits in both first world and developing nations.
Co-Working Spaces
To better understand the relationship between Santa Monica’s entertainment industry and co-working spaces in the area, reviewed 40+ articles and reports, reviewed websites of 20 local co-working spaces, visited 8 of these locations, and reviewed 20 local production company office locations.
Creativity Journal for Women
For this women’s creativity journal, designed monthly themes with weekly writing exercises connected to each theme. Researched and catalogued 365 inspirational quotes that matched daily writing exercises.
Additional Research
The Multiplicitous Movie Heroine: A Rhizomatic Analysis of Representations of
Women in Present-Day Hollywood Blockbuster Films
For this thesis, using two of the top grossing female-led films in the last decade as data, bridged feminist film theory with feminist nomadic thinking to explore use of feminist methodologies in research design and outcomes.
Doing “Woman” Right: Body Shame and Heteronormative Feminine Gender Performativity
Using auto-ethnography, explored body shame as “correct” heteronormative female behavior.
Body, Sex, Home, Woman: The Discourse of “Feeling at Home”
in the Female Sexual Body
Using participatory action research, this proposal seeks to explore how women define their relationship to their sexual body and how the language used impacts their lives.
“When I’m Really Judging Myself…”:
Shame, The Female Body, and Identity
When women experience body shame, do they identify it as themselves, or something other from themselves?
Self-Esteem in Mothers & Daughters
A literature review exploring the cyclical nature of self-esteem in mother, daughters, and society.